What Makes A Doctor is A Doctor?

In his speech, uncle bob mentioned about a profession in which the doer of the profession gets high respect and paid well. In which the worker doesn’t have to necessarily paid less than the management. It is the Doctors.

But what makes them that way? A profession won’t just be taken high respect for granted. In this world even the most dangerous professionals like the tower bulb changer in highest tower in Dubai doesn’t have that kind of respect. Well it is because they have those sets of rule that can help them mintain the quality of their works and results.

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Every process have to be done in the right way, in the right order and the doctors have to know by heart of what they’re doing. They crafted carefully about how the way they do their job, even in a tight deadline. Surgery doctors literally dealing with the very most tight deadline, the patient’s life. They won’t be rushing just to get their work done. It is their set of rules and regulations that makes them do their work in a right order and in the true crafted manner. If you’re the one who is on the surgery table what would you like your doctors do? rush job or crafted one? This set of rules that we have to had in every profession.

In the Programming industry, those set of rules are yet to be defined. But the formulation is already out there around. A SOLID design, Test Driven Development and disciplines in implementing the rules of software architecture is to named a few of software implementation methodologies that we need to implement and obey in our daily process, even in a tight deadlines, like doctors do. If this were achieved, we will be respected as a community and professions. And there might be a time where the workers in software programming industries will be valued more even than the managements do.

Written on May 9, 2018